Thursday, April 18, 2013

#275 The last of the Soup Season-Low Carb New England Style Fish Chowder

"Chowda" (Chowder) is the kind of soup that most people associate with clams but it turns out that 'Chowder' is derived from the French-Canadian word "chaudiere" or cooking pot. Yes, just like the name suggests, this creamy white soup is made in one pot. Only, I made mine without any bacon or potatoes very unlike the traditional New England soup or the tomato based Manhattan style soup. If done right, a really good chowder involves many steps, but the results are worth the effort.

But first, I must admit that I am souped out this winter. The reason for that is because both R (my husband) and I were badly hit with the respiratory virus our friendly co-workers shared with us a couple of months ago. We were so sick that it was Soup and broth for weeks until we overcame the prolonged cough that lasted for over six weeks. Even the Center for Disease Control seemed to think this past Winter Flu overshadowed all other winter miseries circulating across the nation. But with fresh fish on hand and fresh fish broth, I wanted to get a good old Chowder brewing before we drive out the remaining cold air of the past season.
Besides, there's no harm in making one more bone warming soup just as we move on to warm weather and I was right -the soup turned out to be comforting, thick, creamy and deeelicious:)

Whole Fish- 1 lb with head
1/2 onion chopped
3 shallots chopped fine
3Tblspn Olive oil
1 tspn butter
4 sprigs thyme
6 garlic cloves, 1/2 onion, 2 bay  leaves and 1 tspn whole pepper
1 Large head of Fennel and fronds
1 cup dry white wine
2 sticks celery
1/4 cup cornflour
1 cup thick cream
Salt and pepper to taste
Sriracha- 1/4 tspn

1. Take a crock pot and add 4-5 cups cold water.  Wash and clean the fish well.
Place the entire fish along with the head, skin and bones into the water.
2. Seperate the fennel bulb from the fronds. Chop the Bulb fine.keep aside.
3. Add the garlic, bay leaves, 1/2 onion. pepper into the water and fish.
4. On a medium fire slowly let the water and fish boil. Gently remove the fish and head
from the water. When cooled seperate the flesh of the fish from the bones, head, skin and keep
the flesh aside in large chunks.  Toss the rest of the fish.
5. Strain the fish broth well passing it through a strainer to remove the fronds and any bones.
6. Chop the celery into small peices and keep aside.
7. Take the same crock pot, add butter and oil place on a medium fire.
8. Add the onions and shallots and saute along with thyme until it is translucent.
9. Add chopped fennel, celery  and saute well.
10. Add the strained fish broth- it will be about 3 cups, add wine, salt and pepper.
11. Add the Sriracha and slowly let the vegetables cook for about 20 mins,
12. Mix the cornflour with a little water and add this slurry to the soup. Simmer
until it is quite thickened. remove from fire.
13. Add the cream and stir well. Add 1 tspn of chopped Fennel fronds or dill.
serve hot.


  1. looks divine..beautiful clicks.....

  2. wow chowder looks great...perfect..listen cud you take away the security thing on the comment sesson...Often i do not comment because it takes ages to type it let me know if its with my page as well.


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